jbond's Journal - Voidstar (www.voidstar.com) |
Pandora shuts box on users outside US | The Register |
Pandora shuts box on users outside US | The Register : Pandora.com, the popular net radio station that helps users discover new music and build custom playlists, will block most people outside the... |
Thursday, May 03, 2007 - 12:08 AM |
It could have been RDF |
Burningbird » Accessibility, Microformats, and RDF as the Bezoar Stone :
... |
Saturday, April 28, 2007 - 12:14 AM |
Daylightsavings is a liberal plot that contributes to global warming |
... |
Wednesday, April 25, 2007 - 5:41 AM |
My Bookmarks (from del.icio.us): |
ClearForest Announces Winners of the 2006 Semantic Web Services Mashup Competition: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
on 12/19/2006
TuneGlue° | Relationship Explorer
on 12/15/2006
Home - Unofficial Skype Chat Directory
on 11/12/2006
Working XML: Serve friendlier RSS and Atom feeds
on 10/26/2006
Other Advertising Networks Besides Google AdSense
on 10/17/2006
Project FindMusic
on 10/15/2006
Music via Google
on 09/20/2006
Blogmusik | Free Internet virtual ipod for Music Albums playlist Mp3 (BETA VERSION)
on 09/05/2006
ClustrMaps - Hit counter map shows locations of all visitors to your site - free
on 09/05/2006
on 09/02/2006
Google Maps Mania
on 08/25/2006
on 08/15/2006
InformationWeek | DRM | Opinion: Apple's Copy-Protection Isn't Just Bad For Consumers, It's Bad For Business | July 26, 2006
on 07/26/2006
Gliffy.com - Create and share diagrams online.
on 07/17/2006
Naymz: Home Page
on 06/16/2006
Share Skype - Building A Skype BOT
on 06/13/2006
popurls.com | popular urls to the latest web buzz
on 04/28/2006
eConsultant : Web 2.0 Directory, Technical Tips and Lists
on 04/14/2006
on 03/29/2006
MicroID - Small Decentralized Verifiable Identity
on 03/27/2006
Boing Boing: DRM is Killing Music parody of "Home Taping is Killing Music"
on 03/27/2006
Configuring Apache for Maximum Performance | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials
on 03/16/2006
Mysql automatic backup script - AutoMySQLBackup
on 03/15/2006
Aggregate Knowledge
on 03/08/2006
BarCamp / BarCampLondon
on 03/06/2006
isbndb.com - free ISBN database
on 03/01/2006
Main Page - P2p foundation
on 02/26/2006
Yahoo! Developer Network - PHP Developer Center
on 02/23/2006
SKMap(ww)-Global Map
on 02/14/2006
Properly Chilled - Downtempo Music & Culture
on 02/08/2006
Apple - QuickTime - Download - Standalone QuickTime Player
on 01/22/2006